Well, the time has come, my car has met it's maker. After thousands of fruitless dollars in repairs and 167,000 miles, it's time to say goodbye. Tonight was my delayed birthday night with my mom, we had a great time watching The Help, while back at home my dad gave last rights to my old trusty Mercury. I cannot say that this improved my night in any way, but instead of wailing and the gnashing of teeth, as would be my usual protocol, I am instead going to petition the universe to provide for what I need. I am grateful for the three good years my car has given me, it has done it's job, helped provide an income, and gotten me from point A to point B. Now, I'm turning things over to my higher power, it is done.
On a dinner note, I just made the exact same sandwich I ate last night, I do believe I have created something spectacular, with the Laughing Cow cheese and the cherry peppers. It is truly the best sandwich ever made, at least in my kitchen. Good night and good cheese.
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