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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 295 That's A Spicy Big Gulp

Today started out in a really juicetastic way, I had an apple, cranberry, carrot thingy for breakfast and was quite happy and full. I was at my Grandmother's for lunch and so, had to wait to get home for round two of my juiceathon. I went shopping for additional veggies for tonight's dinner and was really anxious to try everything out. I went a little over board, with the Serrano peppers. I added six of them to my concoction, not smart. I could not throw it away because it consisted of 1/2 a beet, 4 apples, 4 cups of Kale, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, a clove of garlic, and 3 cups of red cabbage, way too much food to throw out because of a little heat, so I drank it. First of all, I've been reading all day about using a small amount of raw beet because the detox effect can make you nauseous, which it did, only I can't tell if it's because of the beets or the outrageously hot liquid I consumed in the name of good health. I also read that afterward you may feel like you have the flu because of the toxins swimming around in your blood, which I do, I hope this is worth it, I feel like shizzle.

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