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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40 What Is An Egg Topper And Why Do I Need It?

Today, as I click through the entire Williams Sonoma catalog online, I have discovered that I am woefully ill prepared in the kitchen. How was I to know that garlic actually needed a canister, why can't it just live in the little produce baggie, on the counter? In fact, according to the Williams Sonoma product line, nothing in your kitchen should be exposed, viewed, or smelled until, it is ready for use! There are canisters for onions, potatoes, whipped cream, I could go on and on. The most confusing item, I encountered was the egg topper, I don't understand this product. When you hard boil an egg, aren't you supposed to remove the entire egg shell? The egg topper only removes the top of the shell, why not just crack it on the edge of the table and peel it off with your fingers? The banana slicer was another head scratcher, can you not find a butter knife for this energy sapping chore? Yes, I know some gadgets are helpful in the kitchen, but does it take away from the cooking experience to have a tool for every single thing you do? For example, I love the tedious and labor intensive process of making bread. I love kneading it and waiting for it to rise and smelling the yeast wafting out of the oven. The bread machine experience makes it so much easier but so much less enjoyable, you can't smell anything through all that plastic machinery! OK, I admit, I did see several things I would like to have on hand in my own kitchen, I've always wanted a mortar and pestle to grind herbs and garlic and for making pesto, but 49.99 is a little steep these days. I also need a good chef's knife, I have never actually gone the distance and bought a real one, right now I am using a big butcher knife, a friend brought, when she came to visit. I was also mesmerized by the four in one avocado tool, which would actually be very helpful, I hate trying to pick out the slickery pit, and I never seem to get all of the avocado out of the skin, this one was only 15.99. I may treat myself to this tool for Valentine's day, with all of the money I've saved from not eating out, I think I deserve it!

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