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Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52 Potluck Or Day Of Judgement?

Tomorrow is my favorite day...grocery day! I get to start over with fresh ingredients and new recipes, so tonight I'm perusing my new cookbook and planning my menu. Tonight, I finished off the last of the groceries and made Thai peanut curry with rice and vegetables, fried sweet potato, and you guessed it...my last avocado. I will not be eating avocados this week, nope, not on the list, we need some time apart. This week, I am going to experiment with egg roll wrappers, I'm going to see how many different things I can stuff them with, maybe mushrooms, squash, sweet potatoes, cheesecake, money....just a thought. If I can find something really yummy to wrap and fry, I may add it to my potluck collection on Friday, along with the best mac and cheese ever. This is purely for the morale of my co-workers, sometimes you have to bring a little flavor to the table, regardless of caloric content. My mac and cheese is going to be a secret, original creation, which will be so good, my co-workers may have to sing a show tune to express their joyful exaltation. Not trying to toot my own horn here, but it really is the best mac and cheese in Oklahoma.... maybe the universe. I'm really excited about this work lunch, potlucks are so much more personal than restaurant meetings! It's a chance to show your creativity, I may treat you a little nicer, if I like your dish, who knows, I may dial down the sarcasm if your cheesecake is homemade. I think you can tell a lot about a person by what they bring to the table...don't ever be the one to bring paper plates and a loaf of bread, believe me, we judge you.

1 comment:

Middle-Class Martha said...

Love the concept! I have an idea for you as far as the Wonton Wrappers go. Funny, I also have Wonton and egg roll wrappers in my refrigerator. My intentions are to use my wrappers like ravioli and sealing my savory chocolate spicy chicken inside. No need to turn down the Sarcasm dial! I can take it! Being a Chocolatier has it's advantages on Pot Luck Day :-)
I'll post the recipe for you on Www.tres-sucrechocolatiere.blogspot.com
I haven't blogged yet today so the White Chocolate Coconut Chocolate Chip Caramelized Bannana Mousse will have to wait a day :-)
Best of Luck,
Middle-Class Martha