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Friday, May 13, 2011

Days 132 and 133 Zoo Food and Free Swag

Last night blogger was down, so I'm doubling the goodness tonight. Let me just say that tomorrow is our company picnic at the zoo and I am stoked! As you may recall from my work related retreat, catered food is acceptable in my challenge. Tomorrow, they do have a vegetarian option, unlike the nameless racket in charge of the past retreat. Truthfully, I'm not really thinking about the food though, I'm thinking of the door prizes, a 250.00 Visa gift card, an ipod, and some other fabulous shizzle. I need to win something, because it has been a rough week. Yesterday, I had a new shadow at work, who was wonderful, but I was so intent on showing her the ropes, that I didn't get to eat until the end of the work day. I managed to scarf down some guacamole and fruit salad, but today, I was prepared for a day of paperwork and loaded up on snacks for the eight hour stretch. I found some really good Jalapeno Havarti cheese, I packed myself a bean burrito, which didn't make it to the office, and I had a broccoli cheese quiche for lunch which was a bit of a disappointment. all in all a pretty good day, now I'm going to knock out a few more files to ensure a properly restful weekend.....good night and good luck.

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