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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 124 Carrots and Ginger and Garlic Oh My

Soooo happy that today is over, the first part of auditing preparation is complete, still a long way to go though. For tonight, however, with part one done, my appetite is back! Once again, I did not take time for lunch today, but for dinner I had a really gigantic salad, with lots of stuff in it. I also found two new salad dressings, one good, one not good even a little bit. First let me say,  I'm sure I have made my feelings about carrots known, but I thought I would try the carrot ginger dressing and shockingly, I loved it! It did not taste at all like carrots, which I initially feared, since it is in fact made from them. The second dressing was a surprise and a disappointment, avocado Vinaigrette, I did not prefer it at all, way too tangy, blecht! So betrayed by my friend the avocado. The best thing about my salad was the roasted garlic, I ate like fifteen cloves and I smell like sunshine, just in case anyone is curious. As I was driving home today, I thought of a recipe in my head for a tortilla casserole. I imagine it would be a mixture of beans, cheese, corn, and enchilada sauce, with strips of corn tortillas layered in a dish...I think it sounds fabulous and I'm going to make it soon. That is all, long live my garlic breath that I may scare away  muggers and mean dogs.

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