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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 72 Cook It Up Granny

Well, the raw plan went out the window today, but I still managed to feed myself pretty well. I should have remembered that Sunday is "lunch with Grandmother day" and there will never be a raw movement in her house. We had bell peppers stuffed with rice and cheese and a coconut cake, delicious but not part of my original plan, oh well, moving on. She told me today that she is leaving me her recipes, which makes my day. Tonight, I made my Grandmother's squash casserole, nothing raw about that, also nothing slimming about it either, lots of butter and cheese. We also talked about the way my Great-grandmothers used to cook, they started dinner right after breakfast and cooked all day long, they may have cooked every bit of nutrients out, but it was Southern cooking at it's best. When I would visit them as a kid, Nanny Ruby and Granny Minnie used to unload the fridge the second we pulled into the drive, pies, fruit, green beans, cornbread, fried chicken, potato salad, whatever they had. This was in addition to whatever was already cooking on the stove or in the oven, we ate good and we ate a lot, I'm sure I still have a biscuit or two on my butt from those days. My Grandmother told me the best story, I've heard it a million times but it's always funny. Once, back in the 60's my Grandmother made a brandied fruit cake and had some left over brandy marinated fruit in a jar, which she gave to Granny Minnie to make her own cake. About a week later, my Grandmother inquired about the success of the cake, Granny Minnie hung her head and confessed that she ate the whole jar of brandied fruit by herself, it never made it into any cake but I'm sure she wasn't feeling too bad about it.
I love those women and I'm happy to have whatever recipes are passed down to me, whether I use them or not.

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