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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 90 Three Months Down Nine To Go

THREE MONTHS without fast food or soda! My mission continues, three months is only a trimester, if I were having a baby, I wouldn't even be past the morning sickness yet. I mean it's not even a third of a year yet, it's nothing in the grand scheme of things. Still I'm proud of myself for holding out this long, even in the face of meetings set in fast food joints, birthday parties, and the cruel, cruel slurp of soda straws all around me. My next few months will be all about garden food, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans...it's not like I don't eat these things every day anyway, but these will be uber fresh and pesticide free. OK, so it's not like things are changing really at all, but I think that digging for my food will make me appreciate what I eat in a more significant way.
I can't tally until this weekend, because I do not own scales and I will have to borrow my mom's, but I'm curious to see if I've dropped anymore weight or if I've leveled off. I'm pretty sure the initial soda ban, brought on most of what I've lost so far, dropping 1000 calories a day will do that I think. I'm also curious to add up my grocery bills for the month and compare it to my previous habits, it's too bad I've spent most of what I've saved on car repairs for three months in a row. Oh well, this is life, at least I'm not hungry!

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