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Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 80 Drop The Remote And Pass The Peas

 Today, I am really grateful for simple acts of kindness, on a day, when I really needed kindness and  was more than happy to accept it. Tonight, I'm short on words and long on emotion, so I won't wax poetic about carrots and cabbage, beans and chard, I will just say this, In honor of family, turn off your television, your laptops, your Ipods, and your Blackberries and eat dinner with the people who mean the most to you. Tell your kids and your parents and your obnoxious brother-in-law that you're honored to share a meal with them. Compliment the cook, offer to wash the dishes, and thank your dinner companions for their company. Sharing food is an essential part of bonding with family and friends. When we spend our evenings mindlessly shoveling food into our faces, while we stare at some stupid reality show, we are cut off from those around us, we are isolated and unaware of lost opportunities, lost conversations, and lost moments with the most important people in our lives. When we share a common meal, we are sharing an experience and creating something permanent, which will outlast that ridiculous re-run you're watching, no matter how many times they show it. Your kids will remember when you shushed them during a good commercial or they will remember that you had dinner together as a family every night and that you cared enough to cook for them or even to make them a sandwich. They will remember the times you cooked together in the kitchen better than they will remember tonight's episode of Family Guy. Get it together people and share some vittles.

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