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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 248 Fizzy Yogurt, That Ain't Right

Oh my sheesh-a-loo, how long does it take to fix a car? Now that they have the first 1000.00, I guess they think they can take their time....so ready to be able to drive again. Today, I had grapes and cheese, and apple juice that smelled like jailhouse wine and after that a giant jug of Keifer. My mom was kind enough to make white cheddar pimento cheese and to fashion me a sandwich on the hood of her car, she also brought me the Keifer. The sandwich I ate on the way to an appointment, but had to lug the jug of gut tonic around to two different schools, before finally stowing it in my office fridge. How am I supposed to drink a liter of yogurt? It was also a little fizzy and I can't really figure that one out. Oh well, I am grateful to have had lunch and to have been home almost before it hit my belly. Tomorrow is another day, this time it will end in a trip to the market, hooray!!

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