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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 262 Shout Out To Cartec and Some Other Stuff

Well, today I'm going to have to give a little plug to the mechanics who made things right. Here's to Cartec Automotive Center in Tulsa, OK, thanks for not charging me a second round of my monthly salary for an additional repair, I am very much grateful for your consideration. Hopefully I will have my car back in the next few days and will again be able to move from place to place uninhibited by funny noises, odd smells, and flashing lights on the dash.
In other news, today, I found myself, standing in a grocery store aisle, absentmindedly stroking a two-liter of soda, I really miss brown, fizzy water, it makes me so happy. Last Sunday,  I was really jealous of the kids who sucked down four two-liters in a matter of minutes, without I'm sure so much as a blip on the old glycemic radar. Someday, my Heaven will be filled with soda fountains and a never ending supply of Coca-Cola products...sigh. Here's another shout out to soda!

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