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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 245 Breaking Out The Squash Stash

Today, I have done nothing and I mean......nothing. I watched part of a movie, read part of a book, ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, turned on the dishwasher and that's about it. I'm trying to conjure up creative things to do with freezer squash from the garden, green beans, and baking mix. I have a little bit of oil left, so I guess I could use the baking mix to fry the squash and have some green beans and pasta made with garden tomato sauce? Ya that sounds pretty good, I cannot wait to have my car back and to get to get past this pay period, where every cent went to two stupid head gaskets. I'm looking at this as a good opportunity to re-focus my food challenge energy for a turbo boost at the end. My mom says yesterday how she couldn't wait for this thing to be over so that we could go to Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt, I'm with ya ma! One thing I have decided not to go back to is soda, it's like I've finally kicked a nasty habit and January 1st will be my out of soda rehab day, so I'm saying hells no!

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