It is time again to roll out the very pretty Thai cookbook, I got for my birthday last year. I think that I'm going to make Sunday dinner out of it tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I've picked a winner. I'm going to make egg-fried rice with vegetables and crispy onions, or khao-khai pak horm-tord. Ahhh, two fresh red chilies indicated by the recipe are pretty much a guarantee of something fabulous, perhaps I'll add one more, just for giggles. I would like to use sticky, sweet rice for this concoction, but I don't know where to buy it or even if it would work as a stir-fry and the book doesn't say. I think a little bit of sweet would be fabulous with the heat, but who am I? I didn't write the cookbook.
Today, I was glad not to have to eat crappy fast food, I watched my mom and my brother spend quite a lot of money for a meal that both of them, kind of mindlessly ate, in a dirty, empty Carl's Jr. the whole thing was a little sad and disgusting all at the same time. On another note, the garden is coming along swimmingly, the peppers are standing tall, the squash looks pretty good, and the cabbage bugs have so far not eaten my brussell sprouts, can't wait to start picking stuff and am very much looking forward to a big fat tomato, round about the fourth of July.
Today, I was glad not to have to eat crappy fast food, I watched my mom and my brother spend quite a lot of money for a meal that both of them, kind of mindlessly ate, in a dirty, empty Carl's Jr. the whole thing was a little sad and disgusting all at the same time. On another note, the garden is coming along swimmingly, the peppers are standing tall, the squash looks pretty good, and the cabbage bugs have so far not eaten my brussell sprouts, can't wait to start picking stuff and am very much looking forward to a big fat tomato, round about the fourth of July.