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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 22 I Spy a Dirty Beet

I found them, I found the beets, I was secretly hoping that farmers had stopped growing them and I would not have to keep my promise to make nice with them. I did not buy them, because I'm not ready to make the Borscht yet and I wouldn't want them to go bad or anything, but I saw them and they were dirty and bulbous and well, beety. Tonight, I will secure the recipe and tomorrow, I will approach them again, maybe from a different angle. In other news, last night I watched the documentary, No Impact Man and I am super inspired to take my experiment a little further. I will not go as far as eliminating electricity or forgoing toilet paper, but I like the family's approach to food. They ate only fresh, unpackaged food, such as fruit, vegetables, and food from the bins at Whole Foods. I don't know that this will be a 100% possibility for me to do, but I would like to make at least 80% of my food from fresh ingredients, I think that's a great idea and very healthy to eliminate the processed junko. I agree with the thought that there are many things that people can do to help the environment but it's impossible to do everything. Picking several things that serve the purpose, still has an impact on the earth. I feel the same about food and health, most people won't cut out fast food for a year, but maybe someone will cut down to once a week and drink more water or think twice about taking the kids to McDonald's and instead make a picnic of fresh from home foods and  have an hour of quality time together in the grass. The more we pay attention to what we eat, the less likely we are to eat garbage, I'm not your mother and you don't have to listen to me, but don't eat garbage, a nice lasagna is so much more satisfying!



Matthew Loerke said...

I loved No Impact Man. When we had Netflix we use to watch documentaries all the time! Enjoying reading the blog!

Middle-class Martha said...

Today a food victory perhaps tomorrow exercise. Who knows? Anything is possible.
I was cracking up with your description of beets. My VERY VERY SOUTHERN Mother-in-law is always trying to give me a "Recipe" for a Mouse sitting on a piece of chesse. Made out of rice crispy treats, Chocolate cake?, hershey kisses and some weird candy to make "beety" red eyes. I pollitely say no thank you EVERYTIME! Your Description of beets is exactly why I can't deal with the "beety" mouse eyes!
I just never made the connection before. Thanks!