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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 310 and 311 Quakes and Peas

Well, nothing exciting happened yesterday except a really good salad and another earthquake here in Oklahoma. Tonight, I made the crispy garbanzo beans with sesame seeds, which I found on Foodista and am super full. They were good, except, I wanted to use the raw chick peas, I found at Whole Foods, a couple of weeks ago, but they were out. At the time, I only bought a handful to throw in the juicer, but I tasted one before and they were really yummy! I think the raw ones will work better because they don't have the squishy moisture, which keeps them from crisping completely. After I ate the chick peas, I scraped the roasted, leftover sesame seeds from the pan and ate those too. Tonight, I am expecting another earthquake, since they only seem to be happening after the sun goes down, so I'm ready, got my pillow to cover my head, I'm ready.

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