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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 50 I've Never Done Anything For 50 Days Straight

Even though we're only halfway through February, I feel that I have reached a milestone, 50 days is a lot! 50 days of self control and self regulation, 50 days of taming my worst health habits, today, was a day for treating myself well. This morning, my brother and I hit the bankrupt Border's Books to snag a few deals and I found a HUGE Mediterranean cookbook for 7.00 which has Italian, Greek, French, Spanish, North African, and Middle Eastern recipes. I was so excited, I started flipping through it while driving, not the safest thing, I know, but I arrived home safely, with a few new recipes fermenting in my brain. This evening, I went to hear Elizabeth Gilbert, of Eat, Pray, Love fame talk about her new book, Committed and scored an autograph as well. She is such an amazing writer and so funny, she of course makes me want to travel the world, and to write about it, in my own Girl in a circus kind of way. My favorite discovery of the day comes from my new cookbook, it's called Marrakesh pizza, it's a Moroccan pizza, which looks kind of like a sandwich and appears to be a mite spicier than our familiar Italian pizza pie, anything with red pepper is OK in my book. The ingredients also include Cumin and Coriander and seems to be in between two layers of crust...interesting enough to try at least. All in all one great day in a successful month, it can only get better! Tomorrow, I attempt the fatty mcfatterson muffins, I invented yesterday, you'll gain a healthy 20 pounds with just a whiff. If you need an explanation as to why I'm making fatty muffins, you should have read yesterday's blog...just saying!

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