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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 229 Hey Matt Damon, Help A Sister Out

Uhhhg, I'm really sick and a little bit whiny, but otherwise still alive. My throat really hurts so I made egg wraps with hot peppers to cure myself, not sure if it's working. Today, I made myself go to work because things had to get done and rain or shine, sore throat or not, I must do what needs to be done. Also, I'm not sure if the universe is listening but time is a wastin' on the car situation here, I've done everything possible on  my end, I've signed up for ad cars, I've signed up for charity cars, I've cyberbegged for money, I've asked to cash in my vacation time and my future mileage, I've picked up pennies to add to my change jar, I've prayed and I've gathered my resources.  It's time for things to shift. I'm adding my link again, perhaps Matt Damon or Angelina Jolie will see it and buy me a car so that I may continue to help families. One of these days, this blog will be about food again.

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