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Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 63 If You Can Read This Make Me A Sandwich

Today, I had to turn down Chinese food, with my new community drug task force kids. They asked me if I wanted to join them after the meeting and sadly, I had to decline. Next time, perhaps I'll bring food for our gathering...I have no idea what kids like to eat, animal crackers, glue? I don't know, it's been a long time since I was a child. I'll have to think of something good, because food will keep people interested in the meetings and in the project.... I wonder what kind of recipe represents an anti-drug initiative?
New, convenient food  find of the day, bakeable taco shells. Tonight my mom made taco salad, I had mine with no lettuce and no meat, they were super good, with guacamole, cheese, and tomatoes, but I'm sure I could make them without a "kit". The shells come with a little folded cardboard shaper, which you use to drape the shell over....really? How about a bag of flour tortillas and a bowl from your cabinet? Get creative people, must the folks in the factory do everything for you?! While we're on the subject of lazy ideas, how about Smucker's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? How lazy do you have to be, to buy a box of already made PB&J sandwiches? How much energy does it take to remove two pieces of bread from a bag, a knife from the drawer, and to spread the PB&J on the bread? I think I'll start a get off your lazy butt and make yourself a sandwich initiative, once I solve the world's drug problem.

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