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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76 Breakfast In A Van Down By The River

Well, I really didn't have to worry about whether or not the food at the retreat fit into my little challenge here, because there wasn't much of it. It wasn't restaurant food, that's for sure, when we rolled past the Yoga barn at 8:30, I had high hopes for fresh, organic, spa food as the website would lead one to believe. In fact, the quality of this non-existent food and the fact that it was free was the reason I chose to allow this food into the challenge. No health concerns, no financial concerns, fresh, wholesome, organic, those were the words. Instead, "breakfast" was a van full of rice crispy treats, goldfish, Gatorade, and water....and we had to dine outside in the cold and the mighty, mighty wind. Lunch was like 5 hours later, inside this time, but no vegetarian options and no room at the table (I balanced my junk on my lap). I had a cheese sandwich on white bread, which I had pulled the ham off of, a bag of sunflower seeds and nuts, and some dried up old packaged cookies. This sad excuse for lunch also managed to offend me with an orange, which I gave to my co-worker in exchange for a granola bar. (If you'll remember, I have that table rage for citrus). I was still hopeful for dinner, which I thought was going to be in an actual dining room, and I had been promised a vegetarian option, no such luck! It wasn't even on site, it was some greasy spoon burger joint about 10 miles away. Someone had ordered me a salad and a baked potato, which I cancelled as soon as I walked in the door, I was a jerk, I didn't want a salad and a baked potato. If I wanted a salad and a baked potato, I wouldn't eat it in a restaurant, I would make it fresh in my own kitchen and it would be prepared within my control in regard to salt, butter, salad dressings, and ingredients. So, I give two bit fat thumbs down to the Canebrake resort, you can take your pitiful excuse for a catering gig and send it on down the zip line.

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