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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60 Hummus On The Mountaintop

Today, I had a work meeting in a What-a-burger restaurant, if you are not familiar with this classy establishment, let me educate you. What-a-burger has onion rings comparable to golden rings of sunlight and soda cups as big as a Chihuahua. Before the conversion, I used to enjoy such deliciousness as fried pumpkin pies, fried cherry pies, fried apple pies, big fat egg and cheese biscuits, potato, egg and cheese burritos, and of course french fries and hash-taters. It was a veritable smorgasbord of every food with a warning label, and smelled like the state fair, half of my left thigh and part of my chin came from What-a-burger. Back in the day, I would sit in the drive-through, which took on average 7-60 minutes longer than any other joint on earth, for my giant early morning soda. So, today I sat in this fine establishment, amidst the smell of grease and pie, quietly pondering how far I have come, it was so quiet, I could almost hear the arteries hardening around me. I comforted myself with an ice cold cup o' Culligan from the office water cooler and eventually reached a Zen state of oneness with what What-a-burger had to tell me. The fried pumpkin pies would always be here to smell, in fact sometimes when the wind shifts just right, I can almost catch a whiff from my office across the street, and that's OK. It's OK because What-a-burger is no longer the snack time king of greasy mind control tactics and their giant soda kegs are too big for the cup holders anyway. For lunch, I went back to my office and had a hummus and jalapeno sandwich, you can't get that kind of fiber from a greasy spoon burger dive. Here's to better habits and the drive through I call my kitchen.

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