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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 83 I Don't Need Your Fancy Pants Subway Sandwich Anyway

Today, I was again completely ill prepared, I sat in two different restaurants, one for a meeting, one for a celebration and I ate nothing. First of all, I didn't eat breakfast this morning, because of time and spent the better part of the morning, trying to hide the jumbo jet hunger noises, coming from my tummy. The first meeting was in a Subway, everyone had big fluffy sandwiches and chips and soda, some of the dirty, rotten eaters actually moaned as they ate. I watched tiny bits of vegetables fall to the paper, a sliver of cheese here, a little drizzle of dressing there, all on fresh baked bread, so wrong. Afterward, I forced my co-worker to stop so that I could get some crackers and juice, she did and I was fine, until dinner at least. My brother's chosen birthday dinner was a place called Coney Connection, a place so full of greasy goodness and fried righteousness, that I almost gave in. My mom offered to buy me an iced tea, I'm proud to say that I also turned that down as well. We're having a real celebration this weekend, with homemade desserts and whatever else my mom whips up, I'm psyched to be a part of this multi-day, double bonus, home cooked, birthday salsabration.
In other gastronomical news, I may or may not have been poisoned yesterday, perhaps on purpose or maybe on accident. All I know is that I was really digging some homemade banana bread someone brought to work, when all of sudden, it turned bitter, like aspirin bitter. I spit it out but was still not convinced that I had ingested enough of the tainted treat and took another bite, which was even worse. I'm not dead, but if it's a slow working poison, the remains are in a wad of aluminum foil in the trash can underneath my desk...just so you know.

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