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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 106 Holy Ghost Chili Of A Funnel Cake

Wow, today was a labyrinth of fast food land mines and soda pop pit falls. My entire day was a corner to corner street fair of greasy carnival goodness and temptations a plenty. The Herb fest was about herbs and plants, yes, but it was also an excuse for vendors to trot out funnel cakes and blooming onions, left and right. I was good, I ducked my head into my chin and swam headlong into the fray of greasy aromas and sugared chins. I didn't even buy a water, first of all, the only options for bathrooms were porta-johns so I didn't want to drink anything for fear of germ exposure and second, the water was like 5.00! I gave myself a limit of spending money and came away with four cayenne pepper plants, a tiger pepper, a curry plant, one lavender plant, and two strawberry plants. I know this sounds like a light load, but next weekend is the second herb fest and I plan to find some additional peppers then. I searched and searched for a Ghost pepper, but the one vendor who had them, was sold out. I WANT A GHOST CHILI if I have to travel to Pakistan to get it, (she screamed, stomping her feet) Kind of like "I want an OompaLoompa now Daddy!" If I don't get one, I may just start to scream and never stop.
I've already planted my regular peppers, they are safely tucked into their dirt beds and my mom will find a place for the others tomorrow, also she found some sugar pie pumpkin seeds and will plant those as well. Everything else has it's place and now we wait for our little sprouts, can't wait!

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