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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 162 Cupcakes And Bullets

Tonight, I'm contemplating two things, the first is making strawberry cupcakes and the second is watching the movie True Grit. I've been thinking on this for about two hours now and I may be coming to a decision soon. I have the basics for cupcakes, but of course the basics are the path of least resistance, I need to go to the grocery store for real strawberries and maybe some chocolate frosting. Now, as for True Grit, it has Josh Brolin and Matt Damon, what could possible go wrong with that on screen duo? The question arises in the fact that it is a Western, and what if I spend money to watch it and it sucks? OK, here's what I'm going to do, it's about to get dark and I have to get to the store and back before the drive-bys start, so I'll think about the movie on the way. I'm off to the cupcake supply getting place, otherwise known as aisle 8 at the Wal-Mart neighborhood market, wish me luck and bullet resistance in my pursuit of sweets.

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