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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 179 Horders...Freezer Stories

Sigh....all of this typing is becoming tiresome, but here I sit, click, click, clacking away, attempting to entertain my self and the masses about what I had for dinner, in place of fast food. Well, I'll tell ya, tonight, I had tomatoes, a whole bunch of them, they were delicious and there's not much more to say on the subject. I just squirreled away some more squash in the freezer for the winter and I have to say, it's getting a little crowded in there. Storing food makes me feel very satisfied, I love seeing rows and rows of food, all neatly arranged and ready for the winter. Earlier this week, I was going to make a blackberry cobbler, which I have yet to do, so perhaps, when I'm done bloggedy blog blogging, I'll go ahead and get on that. I kind of don't want to make the cobbler because that means I have to remove the berries from my freezer stash and I like looking at them. I'm so bored, it's no wonder I've become a food horder, I wish I could make a seven tiered cake or the world's biggest lasagna....gotta be something fun out there to make! Perhaps it's just not fun unless I share, I guess I can share cobbler, it's just kind of messy. Oh, I know, I will make my practice county fair cake into cupcakes and share them with those worthy of my company and my creative wares. If you get a cupcake, you know you've made it into the "A" group...hold your breath.

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