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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 202 Grape Juice On A Stick

I just had the absolute best salad in the world, it had a little bit of everything, raisins, kale, cashews, grapes, it was heaven. I have to say that the grapes were the best part, I've grown quite cozy with the lowly grape lately. If those out there know me at all, you will know that I am not a fruit person at all, but grapes are the exception. I also dig grape juice and just at this very moment, am having a thought about making grape juice popsicles....if only I had juice on hand. It is too late to grocery shop for juice, especially if I want to do it bullet free and actually get home to make the popsicles. Tomorrow is the weekend and I am so looking forward to sitting in the air conditioning doing nothing, I may just make a little bag of ice and tie it to the top of my head, I'm not out to make a fashion statement, I just don't want to die of the sunshine sweats. I have to stop typing now, my fingers are starting to sweat.

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