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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 208 Candy Vultures

Today was a pretty good day, in spite of my face melting into my clothes at eight in the morning. I bought prizes this morning for a scavenger hunt, I planned for the kids at lunch. My entire goal of the morning hours was to keep the chocolate candy prizes from melting before they could be given out. This included rushing them from the store to my air conditioned office at break neck speed, leaving them in the cool, while I attended to an appointment across town and rushing back to transport them to the scavenger hunt sight and hiding them from prying eyes before the hunt began. Let me just say that this was only one of one thousand other things I was doing at once but, with the heat factor, one of the most important. This all went very well and the children scarfed up the candy before I could say line up you little vultures and wait your turn. I did get a Kit-Kat and a Butterfinger out of the deal, so it all worked out. Tonight I had a really fabulous salad, with lots of hullabaloo on it, and a pint of Whole fruit sorbet, yes I ate the whole thing, perfect end to my day. I have nothing further to say about this particular line of occurrences, thank you for playing.

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